Eliah Sahil Organic Care - About

Social responsibility

By partnering with the children’s rights organization Plan International we support the project “Allin Mikuna – feeding children healthy” in Peru.
Many children suffer from malnutrition in Peru. The main cause of food shortages is climate change, as droughts and cold spells become more frequent, and the population lacks knowledge in this area.

Environmental Protection


One in three foodstuffs are available to us only because of pollination by bees. But monocultures, pesticides and loss of habitat are posing an existential threat to our bees. It is time to show appreciation and gratitude to these insects.

Consequently, we and our customers are contributing to the rescue of the bees by investing 

$ 0.20 from the sale of each product bearing the Flowering Meadow label in this project.

Carbon Positive Company


We make a voluntary and reliable contribution to climate protection in order to counteract climate change. Our aim is to preserve an intact environment for future generations.

We set a visible sign for climate protection and support various climate protection projects – a biomass project in India and a wind farm project in Pakistan.

Vegan and Cruelty Free Cosmetics


We respect the right to life of all living creatures, so we do not use any animal ingredients in our products, nor do we have them tested on animals.

Zero Waste Cosmetics


With our refill packs, you cut out up to a year of packaging material and thus prevent unnecessary waste.

Zero waste products require very little packaging. Our zero-waste powder shampoo, hair conditioner, mask, peeling and dental powder not only protects skin and hair, but also our environment.


The refill bags are compostable, and the aluminum containers can be refilled again and again.